October 16, 2024 | 9AM PST | 6PM CET


WITH Dr. ELENA ANTONOVA, Contemplative Neuroscientist

MLE Friends (& Humanize) talk with Dr Elena Antonova

Open Presence and Compassion: How dyads open up the space between us' Open Presence is an approach to mindfulness meditation practice that is characterised by effortless effort. It is also referred to as ‘non-dual awareness’ and ‘non-dual mindfulness’. This way of being and experiencing is relatively easy to glimpse but can be difficult to sustain due to our habitual patterns of fixating on the ‘objects’ of perception and identifying with the experiencing ‘subject’. When this subject-object structure dissolves in Open Presence, non-referential compassion arises as the affective expression of non-dual awareness. In this webinar, we will also explore the difference between empathy and compassion and how this relates to the Dyadic work.

More about Elena Antonova

webinar cäcilia

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | 9AM PST | 6PM CET

We'd love to see you on zoom, but if you can't attend live, we'll share the recording with everyone who registers.


Unlock Effortless Presence

  • Struggling with constant mental chatter? Learn how Open Presence can help you transcend habitual thought patterns and achieve a state of effortless mindfulness.
  • Confused about empathy vs. compassion? Gain clarity on the distinctions and how each plays a crucial role in your emotional well-being and relationships.
  • Finding it hard to maintain mindfulness? Discover strategies to sustain Open Presence and integrate non-dual awareness into your daily life, despite distractions.
  • Curious about the connection between mindfulness and compassion? Understand how non-dual awareness naturally gives rise to non-referential compassion, enhancing your emotional resilience.
  • Interested in deepening your meditation practice? Explore Dyadic work and its role in cultivating a profound sense of connectedness and compassion towards others.

Who is it for

  • Psychologists & Therapists
  • Contemplative Practitioners
  • Healthcare workers
  • Meditation teachers
  • NGO workers
  • Community Leaders
  • CEO’s, Founders & Entrepreneurs

...and anyone interested in deepening well-being, emotional intelligence, and connectedness with others in 15 minutes per day.

two people at a laptop doing a humanize dyad

Save your spot for the webinar

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | 9AM PST | 6PM CET

We'd love to see you on zoom, but if you can't attend live, we'll share the recording with everyone who registers.

Meet Elena Antonova

Humanize Scientific Advisor

Elena is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Contemplative Neuroscience at Brunel University London, UK, which she joined in 2019.

Prior to that, she was a Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, UK.

Her research focuses on the effects of long-term mindfulness practice using behavioral, psychophysiological, and neuroimaging methods, with the application to the prevention of psychopathologies and enhancement of well-being in vulnerable individuals.

Elena has been actively involved with the Mind & Life Institute since 2011 and the Mind & Life Europe since 2013 to support their mission of catalyzing the dialogue between contemplative traditions and science.

In 2017, Elena was elected a Mind & Life Research Fellow for her contribution to contemplative science.

Elena is committed to the dissemination of research findings in the field of contemplative neuroscience to the general public to enable as many people as possible to benefit from the evidence-based contemplative practices.
